Changing thoughts into action

People often say that our thoughts become things and that our mind is literally one of the most powerful tools and resources, which we have available. And once we understand how to access its power, it”s from that point on that we truly begin living.

Take a moment to think about that.

You’ve just got to look around you to see how so many of the things we take for granted, started from an idea. A thought. One that was born out of the mind of an individual or collective minds of a group, and realised through the actions taken to make it a reality. The device that you’re reading this post on, the social media tools and applications you use on a daily basis, and the clothes you enjoy wearing inside your wardrobe.

What I’ve learnt over the years, is that while thinking (and thinking BIG!) is great and the starting point of all success, nothing is learnt or experienced until massive action is taken. Taking action can be incredibly rewarding as it allows us to begin a journey of self-discovery and learning – something which simply can’t be taught in a formal classroom.

A baby for example, doesn’t learn from a guide how to walk, but by doing: from standing up and falling down continuously, to finally walking on its own. In fact, it takes most babies around a 1,000 hours of practice from the moment it can stand to walking unassisted.

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

As we ‘grow up’ however, we tend to come up with reasons pretty quickly as to why we can’t do something rather than focusing on what we can do. Maybe it’s the fear of stepping out of our comfort zone and into unknown territory? Or that we’ve developed such strong beliefs about what we can and can’t do as a result of what society tells us?


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