
Unrequited Love

Unrequited love is the infinite curse of lonley heart , but it has power which is far beyond our imagination . Being yourself is difficult, especially when you fell in love with someone who can't love you back .                           So today I want to tell you a real story about my Unrequited Love , When I was in class 6 I had a crush on a girl . We used to be bench partner and trust me it feels so good when you sit at a side of your crush . In the Beginning month we rarely talk but later we start talking , maybe it's a human nature or something , I feel shy talking with her and happy aswell too . It's funny but just because to see her I used to be regular in class . We used to play rubber game i.e jod ki bigod , and just to make her happy I always lose with her . Though  we already had turned out to be closest  mates for over 5 months i still lacked the guts to express myself about how i felt for her. , I'm just afraid that what will be her reaction .. And it'

Changing thoughts into action

People often say that our thoughts become things and that our mind is literally one of the most powerful tools and resources, which we have available. And once we understand how to access its power, it”s from that point on that we truly begin living. Take a moment to think about that. You’ve just got to look around you to see how so many of the things we take for granted, started from an idea. A thought. One that was born out of the mind of an individual or collective minds of a group, and realised through the actions taken to make it a reality. The device that you’re reading this post on, the social media tools and applications you use on a daily basis, and the clothes you enjoy wearing inside your wardrobe. What I’ve learnt over the years, is that while thinking (and thinking BIG!) is great and the starting point of all success, nothing is learnt or experienced until massive action is taken. Taking action can be incredibly rewarding as it allows us to begin a journey of self-disco

Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace

Many of us have seen changes and have gone through transition periods in their lives. These are periods that leave a bitter-sweet taste with us. These are the phases in our lives where we suddenly progress and literary move on.  They are hard but gosh, so rewarding. These are the times we feel like giving up a thousand times but find the courage to keep on walking. These are the times we feel alive. When we move from one continent to another, this transition period is filled with practical issues which can overwhelm us. And apart from that, there are the emotional aspects to moving places. Saying goodbye and saying hello. A new life style, a new place, for the kids a new school, new customs and new perspectives on life. And sometimes old beliefs and values do no longer suit with this new  way of life. These can cause inner conflicts and stress. When going through a transition it is good to look at the beliefs you have and also look at those beliefs that are holding us back to live th

Scared of being judged

Scared of being judged is also a psychological term known as anxiety . It's somehow a disease where you suffer from feeling of inadequacy , embarrassment , humiliation and as well as depression .                    Yes , I'm a person who used to suffer from this disease since I was child . I used to be so passionate in writing things from at the age of 12 but the only thing is I'm afraid to share and explain ideas , answers , views and many more with my family , friends , relatives and teachers thinking that what they say , what they think and how they judged . I used to feel so depressed and as well as embarrassed that I was hiding myself from everything and everyone . Though I'm so passionate and so enthusiast I can't share what's running in my mind . There no one to help me to get rid of this problems and everyday teachers are making me feel guilty . When teachers ask me questions though I know the answer I couldn't tell them .Yes  I'm a studentd

The Power of mind

Or What if life would be so wonderful ? What if something miracle happen and it changes your life completely ? Suppose what would you do if that miracle make your life so good where everything you wanted are with you , where everything is so good and correct in a functional way ?                  I have seen miracle is every walks of life all the places that I have travel and also all over the world . Miracle will happen to you too - When you start using the power of your mind . I have seen many of people telling I can't do anything , I don't have any talent but everyone is good at something only we have to do and try . Many talents are not god gifted , so people do hardwork to make them good at something . This blog is all about thinking , imagination and all about destiny as well as people thought ..             So let me began with questions that people are confused and worries with ... Why one person is sad while another is happy ? Why is one person poor while another is

Learning & Communication

Learning is the act of acquiring new or modifying and reinforcing existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences which may lead to a potential change in synthesizing information, depth of the knowledge, attitude or behavior relative to the type and range of experience . We can learn many things from different faces but we feel hesitate if someone try to teach us something . We feel so strange when some unknown face want to communicate us . But we don't think that it might be useful for me or it can help me in commimg days .                       In my view , Communication is the act of sharing an idea or view . In last few days I got mail from a motivational speaker and he told such a inspiring words that I can't forget .. after wating a month finally I received his mail And I feel so lucky that I got his mail which in an part of communication , if I had feel hesitate to send him Mail I wouldnt have have learn many things and I wouldn't be posting this blog

Why we are unhappy

Nowadays we can see everyone in this world are unhappy for many reasons , it's because they are looking for happiness in other and also from the things they don't have . They don't know those happiness is only for a certain period of time . But the real happiness is discovering your self and helping others , If you discover youself and be proud for who you are I'm sure that you will be the most happiest soul in this universe and if we help others it give such a wonderful feeling that makes you happy from inside . So why not discovering ownself ? So why not helping others ?